What is the nature of intuition in our day-to-day functioning? As a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, I am interested in how intuition may be an aid to better decision-making for everyone. I am also interested in how one can become more intuitive if someone is not naturally gifted with intuition. And why would they want to?
I went to a conference last year sponsored by the Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis, where the express purpose of the training was to increase the intuitive "skills" of the therapist. I do not see myself as one who regularly uses intuition to understand others; some of the professionals at the conference apparently could "sense" (intuit?) other peoples' emotions, and maybe even more about their problems.
The way I am most comfortable using intuition is in dream analysis, where I think our intuition is at work to help us better understand ourselves.
I am most uncomfortable with persons who are supposedly "high intuitives" and use their skill like a psychic.
As I explore this topic further, I would welcome your input. Especially with regard to your personal experience with intuition, as an aid to dealing with relationships, or with emotional issues.